Konnection Kids



Konnection Kids exists to partner with families to raise up the next generation of Disciples makers! God has given parents a huge responsibility: to disciple their children. Our goal is to provide Family Discipleship Resources like this to partner with you to disciple your family. This resource will help you build intentional time into your schedule to shape your children with the Gospel through 5 easy steps: Gather together, worship, read the Bible, discuss what you read and prayer.

Family Discipleship Cirriculum



Find a time that works best for you and your family and commit to doing your best to gathering together for 15 mins a few times a week. Don't worry if you miss days, no one is perfect. The goal is to create a consistent time with your children, worshipping together, reading the word together and praying. Use these 5 steps to help guide your time together. 



Memory Verse:

“Do everything in Love.”

                                                    1 Corinthians 16:14

Step 1: GATHER 

Use this time to begin and have fun!


Read Psalm 139:14 to your family and talk about what it means to be fearfully and wonderfully made. Take turns giving compliments to one another about how God has created them to reflect His beauty and His goodness.



Sing and have fun while worshiping then pray. Take a moment here to thank God for your family and your time together!! 

Step 3: Bible

Step 4: DISCUSS!


Use these questions and points to have a conversation with your children about the Bible story. 

More than half—56% to be exact—of adults in the United States still have their favorite stuffed animal from childhood. The love for these cotton-filled animals is so great that many adults still sleep with them! When we love a stuffed animal, we take extra special care of it and we want to have it near us at all times. 

  • Do you have a favorite stuffed animal? Tell me what you love about it?


Just like you choose him/her as your favorite, God made people and loved them more than any other part of His creation. Because He loved Adam and Eve, God took special care of them by providing food from the trees and a river for water. He gave them everything they needed. 

  • What are some of the things we need that we are thankful we have?


Most importantly, God showed His love for people by creating them to have a relationship with Him. God walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the garden. God created people to know Him and love Him forever. Even when sin broke this relationship, God would show how much He loves people by sending Jesus to make a way for us to be with Him again.

  • Who did God send to make a way for us to be with Him again?


God created people in His own image and provides for everything He made. People are special because God made people to live forever in a relationship with Him. Through His Son, Jesus, we can have eternal life with God just as He planned

Step 5: PRAY!


God, thank You for creating people and providing everything we need. You made us with the ability to know You and love You. Help us to trust in Jesus so that we can know You and have eternal life with You.


Ideas for Daily Discipleship

Ask them who do they want to pray for specifically and what it is they want to pray about?

Ask them what stood out in the weekly story to them and how can they apply it to their own lives?

Pray with them everyday every time God prompts your heart. 

Perform acts of service together for neighbors, family, and friends.

Relate bible stories you’ve read throughout the week to personal situations you’re encountering.Make the most of every opportunity.

Additional Resources 

We encourage every parent to download "The Parent Cue App" which helps every parent do something each week to help move their child toward a deeper relationship with Jesus. These weekly cues will change with your child, staying relevant to their phase of life—from babies to high school. Each cue aligns with content developed by Orange, the creators of our kids curriculum. The app will connect you with Bible stories and verses to talk to your child about, and will cue you with words to say and things to do, connected with the naturally occurring times that already happen every day.

The YouVersion Bible App for Kids helps them understand the overall story that the Bible is telling.Throughout each story, fun, interactive animations keep children engaged, and select stories even include games designed to help them learn, understand, and retain important Bible story concepts.

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